Master the Art of Summer Gardening in California Without Hand Pain

Master the Art of Summer Gardening in California Without Hand Pain

Are you an avid gardener in the beautiful cities of Fresno, Merced, Modesto, Porterville, or Visalia? If so, this blog post is just for you! At the Regional Hand Center, we aim to ensure every gardener can pursue their passion without the nagging worry of hand pain. In this blog post, we will reveal expert recommendations on preventing orthopedic conditions often caused by gardening, such as carpal tunnel, hand fractures, tennis elbow, and trigger finger.

The Science Behind Gardening and Hand Pain

Gardening isn’t just a hobby; it’s a form of art. However, this art may sometimes become painful, causing conditions like carpal tunnel, hand fractures, tennis elbow, and trigger finger. So why does this happen? When you engage in repetitive gardening activities and misuse tools, undue stress is placed upon the hands and wrists which can lead to these orthopedic conditions. Let’s explore each condition further!

Carpal Tunnel and Gardening

Overzealous pruning or constant shoveling can compress the median nerve in your wrist, leading to carpal tunnel syndrome.

Hand Fractures and Gardening

Slips, trips, or improper handling of heavy equipment can lead to hand fractures.

Tennis Elbow and Gardening

When you overuse your elbow joint while gardening, you might have a condition commonly known as tennis elbow.

Trigger Finger and Gardening

Repetitive gripping and grasping of gardening tools can lead to trigger finger, a condition in which a finger or thumb gets stuck in a bent position.

Prevention Strategies

Proper Tool Usage

Use tools designed to reduce wrist strain. Ergonomic gardening tools can be a game-changer. Avoid gripping tools too tightly, and always use the correct tool for the job.

Frequent Rest Breaks

Take regular breaks to give your hands and wrists the rest they deserve, and spread out your gardening tasks over a longer period of time.

Hand and Wrist Stretches

Simple hand and wrist stretches help to strengthen your muscles and increase flexibility, reducing the risk of orthopedic conditions.

PRP Injections

If you still experience hand pain from gardening, don’t worry! The Regional Hand Center boasts a proven treatment option: platelet-rich plasma (PRP) Injections. This cutting-edge treatment involves injecting your own blood platelets into the painful area to promote natural healing.

Learn More

Are you ready to put an end to hand pain from gardening? Fill out our online contact form or call the Regional Hand Center today to manage and treat your hand pain. Utilizing the latest procedures and technologies, we can help you return to a pain-free garden. Based in Fresno, we proudly serve nearby cities, including Merced, Modesto, Porterville, and Visalia. Here’s to happy and healthy gardening in California!

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